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Welcome to the official website of the orbit hotel in St. Petersburg. Our hotel has passed the complete renovation of rooms in 2021-2022

The Hotel «Orbital» is located 15 minutes from the historical center of the city. Nearby is the entire city infrastructure (Pionerskaya metro station, shops, pharmacies, public transport stop).

All numbers are equipped with comfortable modern furniture, refrigerator and plasma TV, and its own bathroom with a shower cabin is equipped with free toilet and cosmetics.

Our hotel is a relaxing rest on a soft bed, snow -white underwear, rooms of various categories with all amenities, caring and warm staff, the presence of a spacious cafe, low cost - all this for you!

We try to take into account all the wishes of our guests, so there is a free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel throughout the hotel, and the guests who came to us by car are free guarded parking.

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Hotel History

The Orbital Hotel is a division of the ANO DPO “Technical Academy of Rosatom” - an organization specializing in additional professional education, professional retraining of managers and experts of nuclear energy and industry, and certification of personnel.

1985 Y.

The hotel of the Central Institute for Continuing Qualification of the State Corporation "Rosatom" (TsIPK) - was built in 1985 specifically for the accommodation of guests, specialists, students of the Ministry of Atomic Industry.

2017 Y.

In 2017, in connection with the reorganization of the Central Institute for Continuing Qualification in the ANO DPO “Technical Academy of Rosatom”, the hotel changed its name and became called the Orbital Hotel.

2021 Y.

In 2021-2022, a complete renovation of rooms was held at the Orbital Hotel. We also repaired halls, updated furniture and plumbing, installed individual air conditioners in rooms, and for your safety - an electronic lock system.


Waiting for you!

Arriving in St. Petersburg on a business trip, a scientific conference or on a friendly visit, here you will find a full and high-quality service.

Hotel photos

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